Pair Programming Roundtable at SD Code Camp, Interested?

Do you plan on attending the San Diego Code Camp the weekend of June 26-27?  If so, please consider voting for the session I submitted, “Getting the Most out of Pair Programming.”  To vote, go here: and log in (or register), then click on the Sessions tab, scroll down the the G’s (alphabetical by title), and check the box next to the “Interested” count.  Thanks.

Here’s the Session Description I Submitted: I’ll start with a 10- to 15-minute presentation of my experiences with pair programming going back 10 years Continue reading Pair Programming Roundtable at SD Code Camp, Interested?

User Stories: It’s SMART to INVEST

The basic framework for a good user story has 3 parts: identifying which user/role (or other stakeholder) benefits, what that person wants (the goal), and the payoff (why it’s important).  You’ll often see this framework expressed as the following template: “As a ________, I want ______, so that __________”.   To paraphrase Mary Poppendieck’s quintessential requirements example,

“As the VP of Distribution, I need us to redesign the REAR windshields of our cars to withstand wind-speeds of up to 130 MPH (as our FRONT windshields already do), so that we don’t have any more accidents when our cars are loaded onto transports facing backwards and then hauled at 70 MPH into a hailstorm with headwind gusts of 50 MPH.

Since the second blank represents a goal, a lot of user-story writers find the SMART mnemonic helpful.  It’s one that’s taught in traditional goal-setting seminars, but as you can see, there’s no consensus on exactly what the mnemonic stands for:

Specific / Significant / Stretching
Measurable / Meaningful
Attainable / Achievable
Realistic / Relevant / Reasonable
Time-bound / Testable / Trackable

So, a better mnemonic that’s especially pertinent to user-stories is INVEST (think “Return-on-INVESTment”): Continue reading User Stories: It’s SMART to INVEST

Product Owner is the Most Stressful Role in Scrum

Among other points brought up by Barbara Nelson at the OC APLN meeting last week, she contends that Product Owner is the most stressful role in Scrum, and I don’t doubt that.  I’m sure it’s especially true in organizations that haven’t yet wizened up to the fact that product marketing takes a triad of full-time roles (a Product Strategist, a Technical Product Manager, and a Product Marketing Manager aka. Go-To-Market Manager).  Not only do some organizations try to cram all three roles into a single position, but they often pile on the tasks of a Sales Engineer to boot.

Then, comes along Scrum (or some other form of Agile) and the whole Technical Product Manager role gets turned upside down to become what Scrum calls a Product Owner. About the only good news here is that Mike Cohn shows in his book, Succeeding with Agile, that the time required of a Product Owner while an organization is adopting Agile is not too intense right at the start.  New Scrum development teams place much higher demands on the ScrumMaster than the Product Owner at first, before the ratio flip-flops.  So, there’s a little leeway for the product management organization to figure out how to accommodate Scrum in their day-to-day activities while the development teams are still getting up to speed on Scrum.  That leeway is a small gift that shouldn’t be squandered.

For more about the triad of product marketing roles, be sure to grab Pragmatic Marketing’s free e-book, The Strategic Role of Product Management.

Week in Recap

The second week of the month is always busy for me.   On Wednesday, I reconnected with Barbara Nelson of Pragmatic Marketing when she spoke at the Orange County APLN meeting in Irvine. It was the first time I’d seen her since she taught my Pragmatic Marketing class years ago. (We were both at the 1-day project managers conference at UC Irvine in February, but failed to connect.)

It was another great APLN meeting. For one thing, I snagged a laminated copy of the new-and-improved Pragmatic Marketing Framework chart, the one that shows the 37 different areas of responsibility of product marketing management. This chart served as the base layer for most of the slides that Nelson presented, as she talked about different roles within product marketing and the impact of Agile on those roles.  (More on that in a future post.)

The next night, I attended the Orange County Java User Group meeting where Josh Long stood in for Rod Barlow and gave a thorough review of the state of concurrency in the Java world and how they take advantage of it at Shopzilla.  I picked up more than a few pointers.  The OCJUG presentation calendar page has a link to the complete slideshow.

Next week, I’m participating in the kickoff for a new Scrum adoption project, so there will be plenty of things going on shortly to inspire new posts.  In the mean time, I’m also looking forward to the Orange County GTD Meetup next weekend.