Category Archives: Events

ProductCamp at UC Irvine Sat 2/27/2010


Product Managers and Project Managers will be gathering for an “unconference” at U.C. Irvine next Saturday.  It’s free to sign up for anyone who’s interested.  Go to to sign up to attend and also to vote on the sessions you’d like to see.

One of the proposed sessions is being led by Barbara Nelson of Pragmatic Marketing.  She’s was my instructor when I took the Pragmatic Marketing course six years ago, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing her again.  If her participation is any indication of the general caliber of this event, then we all stand to gain greatly.  See you there.

ISR Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series at UC Irvine

The U.C. Institute for Software Research (ISR) hosts free monthly lectures by thought leaders in software development. The Winter/Spring schedule has been posted. It includes topics ranging from architectures for mobile computing to social intelligence.

There is no charge to attend Distinguished Speaker meetings, but RSVP required. Distinguished Speaker meetings are held on the U.C. Irvine campus, typically in the Donald Bren Hall, room 6011.