Tag Archives: APLN

Week in Recap

The second week of the month is always busy for me.   On Wednesday, I reconnected with Barbara Nelson of Pragmatic Marketing when she spoke at the Orange County APLN meeting in Irvine. It was the first time I’d seen her since she taught my Pragmatic Marketing class years ago. (We were both at the 1-day project managers conference at UC Irvine in February, but failed to connect.)

It was another great APLN meeting. For one thing, I snagged a laminated copy of the new-and-improved Pragmatic Marketing Framework chart, the one that shows the 37 different areas of responsibility of product marketing management. This chart served as the base layer for most of the slides that Nelson presented, as she talked about different roles within product marketing and the impact of Agile on those roles.  (More on that in a future post.)

The next night, I attended the Orange County Java User Group meeting where Josh Long stood in for Rod Barlow and gave a thorough review of the state of concurrency in the Java world and how they take advantage of it at Shopzilla.  I picked up more than a few pointers.  The OCJUG presentation calendar page has a link to the complete slideshow.

Next week, I’m participating in the kickoff for a new Scrum adoption project, so there will be plenty of things going on shortly to inspire new posts.  In the mean time, I’m also looking forward to the Orange County GTD Meetup next weekend.